Tecno San Martin | Argentina | +54 4752-0281 | tecnosm@tecnosanmartin.com | https://tecnosanmartin.com/ |
Precision Specialty Tooling | Australia | 03 9464 0912 | info@pretooling.com.au | https://www.pretooling.com.au |
See: IBT GMBH In Germany | Austria | +49(0)611 716 54 690 | info@ibt-gmbh.de | https://www.ibt-gmbh.de |
Quimatic Tapmatic | Brazil | +55 (0)11 3312 9999 | vendas@quimatic.com.br | https://www.quimatic.com.br |
Baktrade-Yavor LTD | Bulgaria | +359 32 676 206 | Javor@trading.bg | https://www.baktrade.com |
See: Prasertsombat And Son in Thailand | Cambodia | +662 2266557 | info@prasertsombat.com | https://prasertsombat.com |
Edward H. Pope LTD | Canada | 905-458-4800 | customerservice@ehp.ca | https://ehp.ca/ |
Wuxi Promising Tool Co. | China | +86 (0)510 8230 1226 | noga@wst.net.cn | https://www.nogatools.cn |
Herratec LTDA | Colombia | +57 4 262 6969 | info@herratec.com.co | https://www.herratec.com.co |
Pro Export Plus S.R.O. | Czech Republic | +420 272 770 648 | proexport@proexport.cz | https://www.proexport.cz |
Hajo Tools | Denmark | +45 4659 4020 | hajo@hajo.dk | https://https://www.hajo.dk |
Attila Ou | Estonia | +372 656 3330 | attila@attila.ee | https://www.attila.ee |
Kopal | France | +33 (0)1 34 48 59 29 | carossino@kopal-carossino.com | https://www.kopal.fr |
IBT GMBH | Germany | +49(0)611 716 54 690 | info@ibt-gmbh.de | https://shop.ibt-gmbh.de/ |
Athens Mechanica | Greece | 0030-210-5231284-5 | info@athensmechanica.gr | https://athensmechanica.gr |
Super Tooling LTD | Hong Kong | +852 2489 9881 | inquiry@supertooling.com | https://www.supertooling.com |
Merfol Trading LTD | Hungary | +36 1 439 1300 | info@merfol.hu | http://www.merfol.hu |
Samtec Tools PVT. LTD | India | +91 (0)20 2551 1026 | sales@samtectools.com | https://www.samtectools.com |
Noga Tools | Israel | +972 9 835 3243 | nir@nogatools.com | https://nogatools.com |
Cagelli Distribuzione SRL | Italy | +39 0331 899 415 | info@cagelli.com | https://www.cagelli.com |
Dynamic Tools | Japan | +81 (0)774 98 0518 | info@dynamictools.co.jp | https://www.dynamictools.co.jp |
Power Corporation | Korea | +82 2 678 7339 | info@powercorp.co.kr | https://powercorp.co.kr |
See: Prasertsombat And Son in Thailand | Laos | +662 2266557 | info@prasertsombat.com | https://prasertsombat.com |
Grainger Mexico | Mexico | 01 800 800 8080 | | http://www.grainger.com.mx |
Travers Tools | Mexico | (442) 209 6600 | ventas@travers.com.mx | https://www.travers.com.mx |
See: Prasertsombat And Son in Thailand | Myanmar | +662 2266557 | Info@prasertsombat.com | https://prasertsombat.com |
Noga Tools BV | Netherlands | +31 (0)26 319 46 36 | info@nogatools.nl | https://nogatools.nl |
See: Partille Tool Trading in Sweden | Norway | 46-31-689130 | staff@partille-tool.se | https://partille-tool.se |
Oberon SP. Z.O.O. | Poland | +48 22 877 15 48 | oberon@oberon.com.pl | https://www.oberon.com.pl |
Graphite Technologies | Portugal | +351 244 572 380 | comercial@graphite-technologies.com | https://graphite-technologies.com |
Eureka Tools LTD | Singapore | +65 687 45781 | eureka@eureka.com.sg | https://www.eureka.com.sg |
Bearing Man Group Pty Ltd | South Africa | +27 11 620 8452 | koketsos@bmgworld.net | https://bmgworld.net/ |
Machine Tool & Design Technology's | South Africa | +27 079 867 7845 | tim@mtdtech.co.za | http://mtdtech.co.za/ |
Kodiser S. Coop | Spain | +34 945 285 6 11 | kodiser@kodiser.com | https://www.kodiser.com |
Partille Tool Trading AB | Sweden | +46 31 689130 | staff@partille-tool.se | https://partille-tool.se |
Lestoprex AG | Switzerland | +41 (0)55 284 5151 | mail@lestoprex.ch | https://www.lestoprex.ch |
Prasertsombat And Son in Thailand | Thailand | +662 2266557 | info@prasertsombat.com | https://prasertsombat.com |
A Being Kou Tools Co., Ltd | Taiwan | +886 2 25982192 | abk.tools@msa.hinet.net | https://loc-line.tw/ |
Filtermist International LTD | United Kingdom | +44 (0) 1952 290500 | sales@filtermist.com | https://www.filtermist.co.uk |
See: Prasertsombat And Son in Thailand | Vietnam | +662 2266557 | info@prasertsombat.com | https://prasertsombat.com |